Ipswich Digestive Health Group

3 Days Prior

Before and After

3 Days Prior to the Procedure

For a successful colonoscopy it is important that the bowels are thoroughly cleansed so that the lining is clearly seen. Poor preparation may result in the doctor being unable to examine the bowel properly & a repeat procedure may well be required. Three days prior to a colonoscopy please commence a low fibre diet. This diet reduces the amount of fibre in your colon to assist in achieving a thoroughly clean bowel. Please eat only what is available in the diet below.

If you find that you do become constipated with the low fibre diet then take half a teaspoon of Epsom Salts in warm water, Coloxyl or Agarol these laxatives do not contain fibre.

Bread and Cereal

  • Choose

    White bread, refined breakfast cereals (Cornflakes, Special K, Rice Bubbles), plain cakes and biscuits made with white flour, white pasta or white rice.

  • Avoid

    Wholemeal, brown and rye breads, wholegrain cereals, cakes and biscuits containing nuts, dried fruits, wholemeal flour and oatmeal. Avoid wholemeal pasta and rice.

Fruit and Vegetables

  • Choose

    Only boiled or mashed potatoes, pumpkin, carrot, marrow, squash, asparagus tips, strained fruit Juice, ripe bananas, stewed apples, pears and pawpaw. (NB Skins and seeds of these fruits and vegetables should not be eaten).

  • Avoid

    All other fruit and vegetables including salad vegetables.

Meat Group

  • Choose

    Lean tender beef, veal, lamb, pork, poultry, fish and eggs.

  • Avoid

    Fatty and fried meats, highly seasoned meats and stews.


  • Choose

    Tea, coffee, water, plain milk drinks, soft drinks, soya milk, strained fruit juices. Alcohol is allowed if desired.

  • Avoid

    Unstrained fruit juices and flavoured milk shakes.

Sweets & Desserts

  • Choose

    Jellies, sugar, honey, custard, and yoghurt.

  • Avoid

    Pies, quiches, pastry foods, jams, marmalade, peanut paste, dried fruit and nuts.

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