Ipswich Digestive Health Group

After Procedure

Before and After

After the Colonoscopy

You will normally stay in the Recovery area until you have recovered and then you will be asked to go to the second stage recovery where you ill be seated and have a drink and light refreshments prior to being discharged. You are required to remain in the Clinical area until you are fully recovered.

The Doctor will discuss the findings of the test with you before discharge and what type of follow-up treatment or appointments are required, if any. A report will be sent to your referring doctor as well as copies of any pathology results. A normal diet may be resumed immediately upon returning horne.

Following the procedure you can experience:

  • Bloating and Cramping

    This normally settles within a few hours but if not then a medication such as Colofac or peppermint tea can help.

  • Diarrhoea

    This can occasionally persist for a few days following the procedure. This normally settles within 24 hours and it is unusual to be longer than this. Occasionally, however, some patients get constipation for a few days following the procedure.

  • Haemorrhoidal Bleeding

    This can occur following the procedure, and especially the preparation, due to flare-up of the haemorrhoids.

  • Severe Abdominal Pain

    Notify the doctor if you have severe abdominal pain, bleeding from the back passage, black bowel motions, or high fever. If you have severe symptoms, you would need to contact your gp, your gastroenterologist or present to a major accident and emergency department of a hospital to be assessed.

You may notice after your procedure the blue dye that was used will show up in your bowel motions, this will settle within 24 hours.

Before and After

After the Anaesthetic

The anaesthetic you are given before the procedure is very effective in reducing any discomfort. However, it may also affect your memory for some hours afterwards. Even when the sedative appears to have worn off, you may find you are unable to recall details of your discussion with the doctor. Arrange a follow-up appointment with your referring doctor or gastroenterologist if you are unclear as to the findings.

  • Anaesthetic

    Due to the anaesthetic you have had, you are legally under the influence of a mind-altering drug. You must not drive a vehicle, operate heavy machinery or sign legal documents or place yourself in any hazardous situations for at least 24 hours after the procedure.

    You should not take public transport or use a taxi to go home unless you have a responsible adult with you. It Is Important that a responsible adult accompanies you home and Is able to look after you for 12 hours after the procedure.

    If you do not have a responsible adult to accompany you home and stay with you for 12 hours after your procedure, your appointment may be cancelled. Please contact our office if this cannot be arranged.

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