Ipswich Digestive Health Group

After the Gastroscopy

Learn More About Gastroscopy


You will remain in the recovery area for about 30-60 minutes until the main effects of any medication wear off. Your throat may feel numb and slightly sore. You should not attempt to eat or drink until your swallowing reflex is normal. After this, you may return to your regular diet unless otherwise instructed. You may feel slightly bloated due to the air that has been injected through the endoscope. This will pass quickly.

Your gastroenterologist will discuss the findings with you after you have recovered from the procedure. You may not remember all the details of the discussion due to a residual effect of the medication, so it is important you arrange a follow-up appointment with either your referring Doctor or gastroenterologist to discuss the results. Occasionally, you can get some mild heartburn after the procedure which normally will settle with antacids. If you have cramping, then peppermint tea of Colofac may help.

It is important that you contact Dr. Holt, Dr. Kiel, your local GP or major Accident and Emergency Department if you have severe pain, fevers or passage of blood or black bowel motions following the procedure.

  • Important

    • A responsible adult must be able to drive you home and should remain with you until you fully recover for 12 hours at home. It is not safe for you to use public transport or use a taxi on your own. If you do require a taxi, then a companion should accompany you.
    • For the remainder of the day, you should not drive a car, operate machinery or make important decisions as sedation impairs your reflexes.
    • Occasionally, some patients may have diminished memory for one day following the procedure.
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