Ipswich Digestive Health Group

Dr. Shinn Yeung

Dr. Shinn Yeung


Phone: 07 3397 2588

Fax:  07 3397 2599


About Dr. Yeung

Dr. Shinn Yeung's interests include the surgical management of colorectal liver metastases, laparoscopic hepatobiliary or pancreatic surgery, laparoscopic hernia repair and robotic HPB surgery.

Dr. Yeung graduated from the University of Queensland, and trained in general surgery at the Princess Alexandra Hospital and gained fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2000. Following this, Dr Yeung travelled to England where he undertook further specialist training in hepatobiliary surgery, especially in the management of colorectal liver metastases. Upon returning to Brisbane, He undertook further training in liver transplantation, advanced hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery.

Dr. Yeung was appointed Consultant Surgeon in hepatobiliary and liver transplant surgery at the Princess Alexandra Hospital and a VMO at Greenslopes Private Hospital in 2004. Dr Yeung was awarded Fellowship of the American College of Surgeons on 4 October 2010. In 2013, Dr Yeung performed the first robotic pancreatectomy, and in 2014 the first robotic single-site cholecystectomy in Australia.

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